ikusto GmbH - kompetenter Partner in moderner Kunststofftechnologie



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​ikusto - Partner in climate protection

​​ ​ Communication is the basis for a successful project   

PV-Electricity balance

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​Business year ​Power generation ​CO2 avoidance
2018 100.665 kWh 65.432,25 kg
2019 ​103.455 kWh 67.245,75 kg
2020 97.470 kWh 63.355,50 kg
2021 90.686 kWh 58.945,90 kg
2022 107.499 kWh 69.874,35 kg
2023 98.598 kWh 64.088,70 kg
​ "As an internationally active company, we are aware of our aware of our responsibility for the regional and global environment."  

Petra Frank-Haisch, Robert Frank, CEOs ikusto GmbH

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​ +49 (0) 82 32 / 96 74 - 0

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